AI Dubbing

Multi-speaker, multi-language speaker labeling and source audio separation. Your choice for audio output matching to source speaker or native speaker voice using our proprietary target matching.

Transcribe your media files

Upload your content and select the source language. We provide source audio separation and transcription. Make any edits on the transcription prior to translation. Caption file is available for downloading.
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Get fast machine translation

Speechlab AI Dubbing employs best-in-class machine translation generative models optimized for each translated language pair. Make any edits on the translated text for full flexibility, before dubbing.
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Dub your content using cutting-edge voice and speech synthesis

Generate speech using your selection for audio output matching to source speaker, or native speaker voice using our proprietary target matching. Download the dubbed video, or just the speaker-only audio with our source audio separation, for optimal flexibility.
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Make Your Content Globally Accessible

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